Petition to Deny the Proposed Waste Transfer Station by Resource Engineering, LLC
Theresa Berger, Mayor
Robert Nicastro, Deputy Mayor
Evelyn O’Donnell, Councilwoman
Pauline Smith, Councilwoman
Robert Walsh, Councilman
Penny Wollman, Township Clerk
Steven Fecher, Director of Community Relations
Jim Herrman, Director of Community Development
Resource Engineering LLC Waste Transfer Facility Opposition
Mayor and Council,
I am a resident and member of the Howell Community. I am adamantly opposed to the application before the Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders for the proposed solid waste transfer station in the Township of Howell at 34 Randolph Road.
You, the Mayor and Council have expressed opposition to the proposed application through letters dated July 28, 2017 and January 10, 2018, as well as through statements on the record at the Solid Waste Advisory Council Meeting on January 25, 2017.
Despite multiple statements by the Mayor and certain members of the council that they were unaware of the application and the Solid Waste Advisory Council vote, other members of the council and Township employees and professionals have been aware of this application since early 2016. This is evidenced by letters from Chris Jackson, Land Use Director, emails from Jim Herrmann, Director of Community Development, and letters from Jeff Mayfield, Township Manager. Specifically, Jeff Mayfield wrote a letter, dated May 16, 2017, stating “After consultation and review of the revisions to the plan for the “Solid Waste Transfer Station” mentioned above Howell Township has no objection to this project moving forward as designed currently.” Jeff Mayfield told the Asbury Park Press he had been given written approval from Deputy Mayor Robert Nicastro and verbal approval from council members Pauline Smith and Evelyn O’Donnell to send the letters of support. Therefore, either the Mayor and Council Members were fully aware of this application and had no objection until the residents were notified and spoke up, or the Mayor and Council didn’t know and were grossly negligent in their duties to the residents.
Now it is time for our Mayor and Council to step up to the plate. As the Township has filed a written objection to the Board of Freeholders, the Township has the option of having the amendment to the Solid Waste Management Plan reviewed by the Superior Court of New Jersey. I am requesting the Township take the necessary steps to fight this application in Superior Court should the Freeholders approve this application.
In a statement by Councilman Robert Walsh, “politicians fear one thing, not getting elected.” I will continue to follow this application through its approval process and remember if each of you stepped up in the Howell Community’s time of need when I make my decision in the election booth.
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